
Clannad Nava Galloway CGC

Nava's puppy page

Nava, 12 years

Nava, 12 years

Nava the hockey fan

Nava loves hockey (2019)

Nava admiring the Agate Cove sunset

Nava admiring the Agate Cove sunset

Nava under the table (March 2014)

Nava under the table (March 2014)

Nava September 2013

Nava in September 2013

Nava at 4 years

Is it Nava, or is it a wolf? (4 years old)

Nava is a lovely bumblebee! October, 2008

Nava helps a young boy overcome his fear of dogs

With young friend Stephan

"What is this white stuff?"

"Whatever it is, I like it!"

Nava on her beach, Menodcino, California

Nava in her "house"

Nava at 11 months

Nava in the window

Nava was the Flower Girl for an intimate wedding at the Inn

Nava at 18 months