Orange Boy

Black and white male, third born

Birth weight: 15.2 oz.

Orange Boy, now "Toby," will be part of a happy family in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.

At birth Orange Boy at birth
1 Week
2 Weeks Orange Boy at 13 days - eyes open!
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
Toby after his first bath
8 Weeks
Toby on his last day at Clannad
8 Weeks
Toby with his new mom, Nicole
9 Weeks
9 Weeks
Toby relaxing in his new home

[for more recent photos of Toby, see the Clannads Away page]

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