Candids of the Tegan-Conor Litter

Here are more of our favorite photos. Click on each image to see a larger version, then click on your Back arrow to return to this page. (SHH! The puppies may be sleeping!)

Puppy Puzzle?
Green Sticks out her tongue - 1 week Black's nose Blue Girl and Green Girl, day 3
Blue Yawns at 1 week old
Pile of 3
Clannad refrigerator
Family photo, Day 3 Green cuddles on her mom's leg Orange hides in the corner
Black Girl has a big mouth at 13 days Orange snoozes on mom's back Orange weighs 2.95 lbs. at 13 days! Blue surrounded by littermates
Everyone piled around the Nursing at 2 weeks A barrwl of fun at 4 weeks Find the puppies
Strange sleeping positions....
Red sleeps in the water bowl! Green in her first hat! You're not supposed to SLEEP in the litter, Orange Boy! Orange boy is sooo relaxed
Friends help socialize the puppies
Connor holds all 5 pups!
Black Girl with Debbie
Green Girl with Sallie
Black Girl with Tom
Blue girl with Kyla Sarah and Kyla with the pups Green sucks on Red's toes Blue plays hide-and-seek
Green girl is thrilled to go outside for the first time! 3 romp on the grass
Blue girl sleeps on the heart-shaped toy Orange on the grass Seeking attention!
Blue Girl is very curious
Black with her mom, Susan
Green trying to escape!
Hi, Dad!
group drink
Connor with the pups for the last time pups on last morning all together


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